Happy mid-January to each one of you!
I’m just home from Washington DC. I really need to return for a vacation with the fam so we can explore. Just being there makes me feel so patriotic! Despite whatever is happening in our government, we live in a GREAT nation and I’m very grateful to be an American!

Sunset over DC with a sliver of moon above (Jan. 2018)
One quote I’m thinking over and a Scripture:
“We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” Joseph Campbell (from Insight of the Day that comes to my inbox daily)
“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9
One amazing group
I was in DC for a few days doing work for Shared Hope International. Their focus is on abolishing the trafficking of American kids in the commercial sex industry. Chilling stories and it really is extensive across the US and globally especially now with the access online.
I cannot fully express how amazed I am by this group. I worked with them over eight years ago on the book Renting Lacy, and I’m working with them again. But being in meetings this week and hearing how they put ideas into actions has been incredible. Founded by former Congresswoman Linda Smith twenty years ago this year, they are bringing hope to our communities and into the lives of trafficked girls and boys. They do training across the nation for law enforcement, educators, first responders, and average citizens. They’ve been a big part of changing federal and state laws, helping survivors to have a voice, have put on conferences and world summits, and just been out on the streets of our communities helping to make America safer.
Did you know that more than 25 states in the U.S. still arrest an underaged kid for being sexually assaulted if that kid has been paid for? A child cannot be a prostitute – it’s sexual abuse. Shared Hope is working hard to “Stop the Injustice.” It’s such an honor to work with them on a few projects.
If you want to be part of making a real impact on the world, volunteer, get resources, and/or donate to Shared Hope.
One cute face
It’s not easy leaving small kids at home for work travel, so I couldn’t resist sharing this face I was missing. This kid makes me laugh all the time. Hope he gives you a smile as well. He was pretending to be asleep when I snapped this. Yep, looks like he’s sleeping alright.
One yummy beverage – London Fog
Last year, my friend Sandra Byrd (fellow author and now managing editor at Redemption Press – congrats Sandra!) introduced me to London Fogs at one of her amazing gatherings. They’re a favorite of my daughter Maddie’s too. Earl Grey tea, lavender, and steamed milk. Fantastic!
I ordered the Monin lavender syrup on Amazon and got this Earl Grey at Trader Joe’s. Last year, I bought this milk steamer/frother too on Amazon — great for lattes and my kids love Vanilla Steamers (a few drops of vanilla, little bit of sugar, steamed milk, a little frothed milk, and sometimes sprinkles or colored sugar sprinkles on top). All of these are perfect for those winter days and nights!
One great purchase under $25
Dash Rapid Egg Cooker – $21.99
So, it shouldn’t be hard to make a perfect soft-boiled egg, but it is. It just is. Not any more. This wonderful little do-dad will cook your egg whatever amount you’d like (hard, medium, soft, even poached it says – but I haven’t tried that yet). You pop the eggs in, pour in the amount of water it needs depending on what result you’re looking for, then push the button. The timer sounds a bit like a nuclear attack is imminent, but you will know your food is ready. Perfect for those of us adding more a healthy protein to our diets. I have not gotten an Instapot, but I love this. Tip: don’t leave the egg in the cooker after the alarm unless you want them fully hard boiled.
Last week’s question and a new one
Last week, I brought up cryptocurrency. It’s a new currency developing, sort of like digital money. It seemed easiest to let a media source describe it. It’s controversial, volatile, but I find it really interesting as well. And trying to keep up with 2018!
Have you set some visions for 2018? One of mine is to implement some continuing education I gained last year through Alice Crider’s life coaching and author course (I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS!). Another vision plan is to take another screenwriting course and to finish another screenplay. What about you? Let’s create some accountability!
One picture to say goodbye for this week! Isn’t this beautiful?!

Pike’s Place Market, Seattle, WA
I have wished for another wonderful novel from you for so long, but not at the cost of you not having time for all the good work you are doing for those abused in many ways.